50ft "KELVIN" Towing & Refuelling Launch

The 50ft KELVIN type launches numbered 1 - 12 wre inherited from the RNAS in 1918. A further six craft numbered 81 -86 were built by Cox & King at Wivenhoe, Essex for delivery from March 1921. At the first establishment of RAF Marine Craft in 1919, it was stated that the 50ft Kelvins were required for (3) and Reserve (2) with one launch required for each home unit at Dundee, Donibristle, Pulhan (Norfolk), Felixstowe, Isle of Grain, Calshot, Lee-on-Solent, and Cattwater (Plymouth). Two were required at Gosport and two further craft overseas, one each at Malta snd Alexandria. The one at Pulham was to be used at the Airship Station, whilst that allocated to Grain was for the MAEE. A reduction in the requirement was made by September 1920 with the craft numbered 1 - 12 stationed as listed above at the date, however even then Nos. 2, 5, 7 and 12 were unserviceable.
